Xcelerator Program - Info.

Embark on Your Tailored Digital Transformation Journey with Siemens Xcelerator Program

Partner with IC Blue Ltd & Siemens Xcelerator Program for a customized digital transformation strategy. Tailored solutions, significant savings, and expert support to accelerate your business growth.

TEL: +44 (0)845 644 0914

What is Siemens Xcelerator?

Launch Your Digital Transformation with Siemens Xcelerator Programs

At IC Blue Ltd in partnership with Siemens, we recognize that the path to growth and innovation is unique for every business. That’s why our Xcelerator Programmes are not just solutions but partnerships. We collaborate closely with you to understand your specific needs and challenges. Our product specialists are committed to custom-designing the perfect programme that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives and digital transformation goals, leveraging Siemens’ cutting-edge technology.

For Startups:

Kickstart your venture with a robust digital foundation tailored by our experts. Our scalable solutions evolve with your business, ensuring you maintain a competitive edge as you grow. Enjoy significant cost savings with our startup-friendly pricing, making cutting-edge technology accessible from the outset.

Startup Eligibility Criteria
  • New customers only: Must not have previously engaged with Siemens on similar programmes.
  • Privately held company: The business should not be publicly traded.
  • Final product commercialization: The company must aim to commercialize its final product.
  • Non-consultancy business: The primary business should not be consultancy or services.
  • Age and financial criteria: The startup should be less than 5 years old since inception, with less than £5M in revenue in the previous year, and less than £25M in venture capital or private equity funding.
  • Additional charges: Services may be available for an additional charge.

For Scale-Ups:

As your business expands, our product specialists at IC Blue Ltd and Siemens design solutions that manage increased complexity and scale. The Siemens Xcelerator Programme provides the tools and support you need to scale confidently and efficiently. Benefit from our tiered pricing structure which adjusts as you grow, maximizing your investment and minimizing costs.

Scale-up Eligibility Criteria
  • Privately held company: The business should not be publicly traded.
  • Final product commercialization: The company must aim to commercialize its final product.
  • Non-consultancy business: The primary business should not be consultancy or services.
  • Revenue requirement: The scale-up must have less than £100M in revenue from the previous year.

For SMBs:

Enhance productivity and streamline operations with our digital tools, custom-designed to integrate seamlessly into your business. Our technology solutions adapt to your specific operational needs, boosting efficiency and empowering informed decision-making. Take advantage of our competitive pricing models that provide significant cost savings while delivering high value.

Small to Medium Business Eligibility Criteria
  • New customers only: Must not have previously engaged with Siemens on similar programmes.
  • Privately held company: The business should not be publicly traded.
  • Final product commercialization: The company must aim to commercialize its final product.
  • Revenue requirement: SMBs should have less than £50M in revenue from the previous year.

Key Benefits

Enhance productivity and streamline operations with our digital tools, custom-designed to integrate seamlessly into your business. Our technology solutions adapt to your specific operational needs, boosting efficiency and empowering informed decision-making. Take advantage of our competitive pricing models that provide significant cost savings while delivering high value.

Our commitment at IC Blue Ltd, together with Siemens, extends beyond providing tools; it’s about creating an environment where your business can thrive. With ongoing support and updates to our offerings, Siemens Xcelerator ensures you are always equipped to meet current challenges and seize future opportunities. The financial structure of our programme is designed to support your growth with escalating savings, making it more economical as you progress.

With IC Blue Ltd and Siemens by your side, step confidently into the future. Let our product specialists design a programme that not only meets your current needs but also anticipates future growth. Explore our tailored programmes today and discover how we can help you achieve sustained growth and innovation, with the added benefit of substantial financial savings.

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